Friday, March 02, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

1 child

Per a suggestion from his Unit Support Program, the Soldier contacted USA Cares to request
help. He was on the way home from AT Training and his primary vehicle broke down. As it
turns out, the vehicle is worth less than the repair. The Soldier just needed help to get home.
The USA Cares’ computers were down so finding resources had to come from phone logs
and cooperation with the American Legion and local agencies.

The Soldier was two hours from his home with no money in his pocket and walking in snow
and very bad weather. The Chaplain’s office on the nearest military post could not help him
because he is a Reservist. The Soldier had no idea who to contact and how to get home. He
did not know where the bus station was or how to get there, since no one at the Chaplains’
office would transport him.

The USA Cares Resource Coordinator had to get the USA Cares’ Executive Director to
intervene to get the Chaplains’ office to take him to the Mess Hall to use the meal card he
was still authorized to use. The Resource Coordinator working the case asked the
Chaplain’s assistant to provide a number for a cab company that could come on post.

The Resource Coordinator requested donated travel to get the stranded Soldier to the bus
station 30 minutes from the post. The dispatcher called the owner and called USA Cares
back in less than 10 minutes. Owner of the Cab company agreed to get the Soldier where he
needed to go. (Value of donated transportation $55.00)

The Resource Coordinator contacted the State American Legion Representative and they
offered 3 local post contacts to get someone to help get a bus ticket. The ticket cost $27.50.
The Resource Coordinator was able to get with the Legion contact and confirmed at 6pm that
same evening, that the cab driver picked up the Soldier at the Post and took him first to the
American Legion. The American Legion gave him $50.00 for ticket and food. The cab driver
was then going to take Soldier to the bus station to wait for his bus.

Total Support to this Soldier was $50.00 from the Legion and $75.00 total value of the
transportation (additional travel from Post to Legion).

Total Support $125.00 donated