Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sears Helps to show Troops USA Cares

Holiday shoppers turning to the Internet to avoid the mall crowds have an easy way to support
service members and their families this year thanks to a partnership between Sears Holdings
Corporation and USA Cares.

USA Cares serves to provide military families of all branches and services with financial support, while offering direction and advice along with a caring attitude. To date, in addition to stopping foreclosure on over 106 military homes, the non - profit has helped more than 4,200 families with over $2.1 million in grant support. Sears Holdings is the parent company of Sears and Kmart department stores.

"Sears has a longstanding commitment with the military, and we feel privileged to assist the
troops and their families through this initiative," Brenda Storch, a Sears Holdings spokeswoman, said. "We wanted to partner with a respected organization that would help us to ensure that military families are remembered this holiday season."

Sears officials found what they were looking for in USA Cares, which provides assistance to
members of the armed forces and their families who have unmet needs because of death, injury, physical or mental impairment, or financial hardship.

Through the partnership, Sears customers can visit a special Web site,, established for the holiday season. "It seemed as though it would be a good way to involve our customers in helping military families through the holidays," Storch said.

The Web site provides a wish list of items that can be purchased and shipped directly to USA
Cares, Roger Stradley, one of the group's founders and director of operations, said. Once all of
the purchases are received at USA Cares' Radcliff, Ky., office, they'll be sorted and sent to areas
where they'll do the most good. For instance, a lot of the cold-weather clothing will go to Alaska.

The gifts range in price from about $9 to a couple hundred dollars and include clothes and
household items. Gift cards also may be purchased in lieu of a gift.

"USA Cares does not get any cash," Stradley said. "We're just coordinating and helping facilitate (for) hopefully thousands of Americans that want to just say thanks to a guy or a gal who's wearing the uniform or their family."

Sears Holdings kicked the program off with a donation of $10,000 in gift cards when the program started Nov 26. Since then, USA Cares has received a couple of boxes a day. "It's kind of like Christmas," Stradley said. "We pop it open to see what came."

It doesn't matter to the folks at USA Cares whether a donor chooses a gift or a gift card to show their support of the military community.

"I want whatever that person's heart is moved to send," he said. "Obviously gift cards make it a little easier, especially if your heart is that you want to help a (Guardsman) or reservist who might not be near a major installation."

The site will remain active through Christmas day. USA Cares staff and volunteers will tackle
distributing the items after the first of the year, Stradley said.

Success! Success! In Thre Hours!

Army Medical Hold (No pay in last 90days) married, 3 children

Credit Counseling Referral Coordinator’s (CCRC) notes with Homeownership Preservation Foundation identified cause of hardship was due to static pay issues in 2003. Once this was resolved the client was financially caught up and then Soldier was deployed and injured in 2005 causing pay issues from Dec of 2005 to August of 2006. Additionally the military owes him back pay. The mortgage company also stated that the home was in arrears for $7205.00. The paperwork came into the USA Cares office with six hours left before the foreclosure. The family had $600.00 to go toward the loan, however that would have left them with no additional funds. A budget showed a surplus of income and the spouse has a disability claim as well and this will add to their income in 30-90 days. USA Cares’ Resource Coordinator talked to the mortgage company and they initially said they could not work this in time to resolve the foreclosure issues and they still needed the agreement from the client that had to be notarized. Fortunately, the Resource Coordinator’s daughter works in the Default Department of this same bank and was able to help by getting the Loss Mitigation Department to accept a wire in lieu of receipt of the notarized papers. USA Cares was able to provide $2186.46 to the client’s bank to stop foreclosure in less than three hours!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Another Success Story - This one is unbelievable!

Army - Active Duty (injured and on Med Hold)

Married (wife is a diabetic, recently had Open Heart Surgery, is on dialysis, and is on the kidney and pancreas transplant list) Mother-in-law moved into their home and is on SSI (she is using her $1400.00 a month to pay the $875.00 mortgage to save their home) 2 Daughters (12 yr old has a birthday in Feb and was hoping to have a present and her Mom and Dad home, 13yr old is in cancer remission (Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma). They are still paying for medical bills and medicine that Tricare would not pay. This child (due to the cancer treatment) needs some extensive dental work and the dental insurance is capped out for the family.

This story is beyond belief and shows great patriotism, heart and strength from the family. In 2001, the Soldier (then a civilian) took his 401K and put his family into their first home. In 2004, after the impact of the Iraq War hit home, Soldier immediately decided to enlist in the Army to do his part. While in Iraq, Soldier was hit by an IED. He was treated for a concussion and X-rays showed many pieces of shrapnel imbedded in his body. Despite his injuries, the Soldier went back to the line confident he would be able to perform his duties.

Shortly thereafter, he received a Red Cross message to come home due to his wife having emergency surgery. While at the hospital in the US with his wife, the Soldier began to run fever and thought he had the flu. Again, despite his illness and injury, around April 15th, he went back to Iraq. Once back in Iraq he was immediately medivacced to a medical facility. The shrapnel in his body had shifted, there were blood clots in various parts of his body and a staph infection had shut down all his major organs. He was put into a drug-induced coma for several weeks and is now on a lung transplant list. Once able, he was sent to the nearest military installation, which is 120 miles from his home.

The family had already experienced major financial issues the previous winter when their 13yr old daughter was being treated for cancer. Insurance denied some of the treatments, reimbursing the family only $4900 out of a total $9800 medication bill. This is still a financial burden. Thankfully, for numerous reasons, the cancer is now in remission (medicine was $480.00 week). Spouse is also still paying for some of her medical supplies for her diabetes, she has out of pocket expenses not covered by insurance that take $400-$600 a month out of their budget. She
has filed for SSI, however she and her 13yr old have both been denied. A local attorney is working pro-bono for the appeal on both of these family members. The family’s credit is ruined because at one time during this whole ordeal they were paying $1800 a month out of pocket for
travel and medicines not covered by insurance.

Now add the following to the issues. DFAS is taking out $430.00 a month from Soldier’s pay because they did not have him listed as a war injury and they said he was receiving compensation he was not entitled to. Spouse assumed it was overpayment of special pays from Iraq, but they have copies of documents proving that all special pays stopped in April when he was sent to the CO Med Hold.

Spouse applied for USA Cares assistance August 24th. Due to her husbands’ medical needs, communications between this family and the USA Cares office were limited until mid-October. Spouse stated she took the TSGLI information to her social services personnel and they kept putting her off. No one came to this family’s financial aid, however Tom Winks, the local Congressman, did come to the hospital to meet with her. The Congressman had a Congressional opened on the DFAS for the pay issues and also looked into why it was taking so long to get a TSGLI appointment. Spouse was finally able to get an appointment on Sept 20th.

USA Cares’ Board approved $5600 for this family to give them a clean slate as of Oct 1. Additional support from AUSA, Pioneer Services, Operation First Response, and other organizations and individuals helped to get school supplies, clothing, and incidentals for the grandmother and both daughters. Contacts to Military Officials will afford this family extended pharmaceutical and medical care to meet the needs of the three family members who will need consistent care.

It was USA Cares’ "Extreme Exception to Policy" that allowed us the opportunity to link together many organizations and individuals to meet the needs of a family who has truly sacrificed beyond all limits.

Monday, November 06, 2006

USA Cares, Roger Stradley and Laura Bush

Almost four years ago, we started working on what USA Cares has become. I won’t go on to all of the stats and metrics of what we have accomplished with the amazing support of thousands of Americans and organizations, what I wanted to share was my ten minutes with Laura Bush, our First Lady.

After some picture taking everyone else was escorted out, leaving only me, Mrs. Bush and our Congressman, Ron Lewis and his wife, Kayi. (Okay, camera guys and Secret Service too).

Our “Map”, the one that identifies what USA Cares has done in this year of 2006 for military families was where I started. I told her about the over one hundred hearts that represented that many homes saved from foreclosure, and her eyes moistened. I also told her how we had not loaned one dollar and that we had raised almost $5 million in donations and pledges in the past one year.

I presented the First Lady the two Louisville Slugger baseball bats that had been personalized and memorialized with “Operation Slugger” when we shipped 13.5 tons of equipment to the troops in harms way this past January. She commented that they would one day reside in the “Bush Library” and I silently vowed that I would see them there one day.

I also gave her our new khaki tee-shirt with the I Care Too! Campaign and the American flag on the shoulder and she remarked that “The President will love these shirts”, (yes, we provided two for them, in long sleeve and short for her and her husband…. POTUS). I can only hope that one day we might see him out for a run in our shirt.

She asked me several questions, and was an amazingly gracious and polite. We are so fortunate to have a First Lady with so much dignity and strength. I don’t have any of the pictures, but for one old retired Soldier this was an amazing day in my life.

I am so proud of what USA Cares and the staff and volunteers have accomplished and because I know what is coming in the next few weeks and months, I can only pinch myself over and over.

While I don’t often use the term “Founder”, I can tell you having been there that March day in 2003 when I said, “Yes we can put something together to help families…” has changed my life, my families lives, and happily, the lives of thousands of our military families lives.


Friday, October 13, 2006

It's Not Easy - Being Green!

A Recent Case
Army - National Guard - Married - 3 Children (5,4,2)

Soldier has a civilian federal job and had hernia surgery that caused an extreme reaction to medications. Due to the reaction, the Soldier was absent from his civilian job and could not attend drills from April to June. The Unit did not consider this to be caused by his drill duties and unfortunately his civilian job had no short-term disability. This hardship put the Solider behind 3 months on his mortgage. In order to attempt to catch up on his bills he applied and was accepted for a stateside deployment. The per diem, mileage, etc would have allowed him to catch up and a repayment plan was negotiated. Then the family vehicle broke down on his way home and they had to rent a vehicle temporarily to get him back and forth and then the Soldier was given a car to use to get to his job. This stopped some of his per diem. The family also had to purchase a second hand vehicle to allow the spouse to meet the needs of the children in his absence for extended periods of time. The Soldier has been placed on back-to-back stateside orders for over three months.
The mortgage company has now placed the home on foreclosure for 3p.m. Oct 3rd if they do not receive $9100.00. Once negotiations started the amount went up to $13,000.00 they wanted the entire amount not a negotiation. The Housing Preservation Fund (HPF) and USA Cares had already negotiated $6600.00 from HPF funds and USA Cares was going to help with an old power bill so that the Soldier could focus on the repayment plan. Soldier had given up all hopes until his family came forward to make sure that the Soldier did not lose the home. They took out loans to come up with the cash needed and the Soldier sent the payment via Western Union to the mortgage company trusting HPF funds were on the way. The budget is complete; Soldier had provided all supporting documentation of the amount of his income and job stability. Request was to have USA Cares Wire $6600.00 to his mortgage company by 3p.m. on Oct 2nd. The mortgage company was requiring a quick collect wire to be completed by 9a.m. on the 3rd or they would not be able to stop the foreclosure, which had already been in the paper. USA Cares’ Resource Coordinator assigned to this case negotiated after working hours with the mortgage company and a new agreement was made that they would accept a bank wire from USA Cares but, they had to have the confirmation number into the mortgage company by 9am on Oct 3rd. USA Cares’ Bank Representative started the process before bank hours of operation and the mortgage company called to request the confirmation number at 9:15 a.m. EDT. The mortgage company’s time zone was one hour behind us.
Soldier began to panic and called the office every ten minutes and when the confirmation number arrived it had passed both time zone deadlines and we were all concerned that the attempts were in vain. However the Soldier called the VA loan officer within the mortgage company and the loan officer stated that “Knowing personally the reputation of the organizations involved, they knew the funds promised would arrive” and they got the foreclosure STOPPED for the Soldier. Thanks to everyone who went ABOVE and BEYOND on this effort and these are the ones for the Memory Book.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


RADCLIFF, KY – President John Tindall announced today that USA Cares has been awarded a $2,500,000 grant through the Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund, administered by the California Community Foundation. The grant will be awarded over a two-year period.

The grant’s purpose is to continue, and dramatically expand USA Care’s assistance to American military Service members and/or their families who have unmet needs due to death, injury, or other physical or mental detriment, or financial hardship, as a result of service or deployments related to ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hugh Dukes, Executive Director of USA Cares remarked, “The guidance and encouragement we have received from the fund directly supports our efforts to become the first call of military leaders and military families when there is an unforeseen gap in support during a crisis.” Dukes also said, “In our proposal, we detailed our efforts to maintain a consistent and responsible application of funds, but this generous gift also highlights the continued support of the American public both privately and organizationally to the goals of USA Cares.”

About the Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund
The California Community Foundation (“CCF”) administers the Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund. Founded in 1915, CCF is a leading charitable organization in Los Angeles County, managing over $1 billion in assets. CCF invests more than $100 million a year in Los Angeles through grants to nonprofit organizations. For more information, please visit our website, at

About USA Cares
To date, over 3,200 military family members have contacted or been referred to USA Cares, headquartered in Radcliff, Kentucky. Through aggressive advocacy, USA Cares staff has provided grant assistance valued at over $1.7 million in the first three years of operation. Working closely with other similar organizations across America, USA Cares strives to maintain a military family’s dignity and privacy, while working toward a responsive system to take the burden off the family during stressful times of mobilization or deployment.

Ongoing projects include Operation Arctic Linebacker supporting Service members in Alaska and the I Care Too! Campaign that is allowing thousands of Americans to visibly express their support to our Service members serving in harms way. Visit USA Cares at .

USA Cares is a member of the Department of Defense’s program, America Supports You.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Stradley and Dukes form "Operation Arctic Linebacker"

This letter was written by USA Cares founder and operations guru Roger Stradley. He and Hugh Dukes (USA Cares Executive Director) have responded to needs in Alaska.

As many of you know, Hugh and I just returned from a weeklong trip to Alaska, where we provided 17 USA Cares briefings in six days. We covered Fort Wainwright, Fort Richardson, Eliese AFB and Elmendorf AFB and also an opportunity briefing with a family involved with the Family Assistance Center at Fort Greely. This includes a briefing to the Chief of Staff, US Army Alaska, Colonel Hagen.

We were treated very well, almost too well. As you may also know the 127D Inf. Brigade had about eight days notice that it was staying in Iraq for an additional 4 months. So instead of coming home last Tuesday, they will not come home now until the 15th of December. 68% of the unit was scheduled to depart, and the same number is arriving or has arrived, placing a terrible strain on the entire support infrastructure at Wainwright.

We have already begun to assist them; we started with eliminating the waiting list for basic family needs at the Lending Closet.

We also briefed the 4th Brigade, 25th Inf. Division rear detachment and senior spouses in Richardson. That unit leaves for Iraq in October.

We have launched Operation Arctic Linebacker because these families need our help. There are four unique situations that cause us to do this. 1) Remote location 2) Severe weather approaching 3) Unexpected extension to assignment 4) Replacements signing in now.

This is the mission statement:

In response to the unique challenges confronting the Alaskan based military units during the war on terror, USA Cares, using its national reputation and resources, coordinates both direct and indirect support to our Alaskan based military service members and their families.

These units face unexpected extension in Iraq, approaching severe winter weather, incoming families expecting to replace departing families and the impending deployment of both active and National Guard units from this remote area of operation known as US Army Alaska.

And these are some of the objectives we have set, many of them already underway.

- Eliminate all outstanding waiting lists for essential quality of life needs from local lending closets and thrift stores
- Conduct a “looking forward” assessment of needs in view of Ft Wainwright approaching 180% strength by December
- Develop the ability to provide food cards within two hours of request at both Ft Wainwright and Ft Richardson
- Develop a family services action team to overcome the time difference between Radcliff (EST) and Alaska time
- Develop, coordinate and facilitate corporate support from the lower 48 to USAAK units to include other branch of services
- Develop, coordinate and facilitate charitable and service organizational support from the lower 48 to USAAK units to include other branch of services

Pat and her team have already initiated steps to deal with the time difference, and the best news of all is that we have one of our former volunteers on the ground. Tonya signed in the day before we arrived, and immediately volunteered to rejoin USA Cares. The local Red Cross Station Chief has provided her with an office, furniture and computer, and she is already working hard to tell the USA Cares story and work with families.

We have established a checking account at the local on post MAC Federal Credit Union (They waived all fees) and are cutting checks for use at the commissary, free of charge. We have pre-positioned $5,000 in the fund (Many thanks to Republic Bank), and in a media release coming out Friday in Alaska and here in the states through America Supports You early next week we will offer others to help us help them by donating directly to an Alaska fund, for Alaskan-based troops and their families. The address to the credit union will be listed, and they are ready to take deposits, notify us of names and addresses and we will provide appropriate thank you’s and receipts. We have stated that any funds deposited in this site, will only be used for program expenses associated with assisting military families.

We believe this could very well become as big an event for us as was Operation Slugger. We have one large corporation that is going to mobilize it’s 4,000 employees to pack up items that are desperately needed in lending closets there and send them very soon. We expect other similar offers as the word gets out.

I guess if I had to sum up our view of what is happening up there, it only takes a sign to show you. There were hundreds of banners hanging on the fences that lined the road on to post, all hung there with the expectation that their husband, daddy or mom would be in their arms in just a few minutes. Instead, they still stand the wall and defend us. We owe them the best, and I know we an organization that is more than bumper sticker deep in our support to them.

We were told up there on more than one occasion, that a lot of people and come up and said they wanted to “help”, but we were the first ones to actually do something.

We did, because of a great team called USA Cares, and all the generous contributors and supporters.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

USA Cares Snapshot - 7.13.06

USA Cares
As a 501(c)(3) organization that began in March of 2003, USA Cares has answered the call for assistance from over 2,730 military members or their families across America and provided or located over $1,516,977 of support, all in the form of grants.

USA Cares is funded through the generous contributions from corporations, organizations and individuals and continues to sustain a 94 percent plus ratio of mission dollars.

USA Cares in Action (as of 7.13.06):
Assisted 2,730 military members or families in 50 states and 7 other territories
188 cases pending
Assisted 919 national guard/reserve with $643,712 in support
Homeownership Preservation Foundation Support: $218,055.92 - 58 homes saved - 28 states
Average 38.0 new calls a week
238 outreach contacts nationwide
67 media contacts nationwide

Largest donations received:
$1M CA Community Foundation (Anonymous Donor, Dec 05)
$400,000 Homeownership Preservation Foundation (Nov 05)
$15,000 Fred Hartley Foundation (Feb 04, Feb 05)
$25,400 Private donor
$25,000 Distillery Industry (Feb 05)
$25,000 Pioneer Services & Associates (Nov 05)
$25,000 National Veteran’s Service Fund (Nov 05)
$15,000 Prilosec (American Freedom Foundation, Nov 05)
$15,000 Fred L Hartley Family Foundation (Sept 05)

Major needs provided:
Mortgage Repair 31.9%
Housing 18.9%
Utilities 13.6%
Food 10.5%

New Information:
I Care Too! was mentioned in USA Today! The campaign has seen a jump in orders since then.

Key Points:
Primarily a volunteer organization
All branches of services are supported

Awards or Recognition:
Neilson Media gifted USA Cares $10,000 in media presentation and USA Cares first official alliance was formed (June 2006)
USA Cares, its staff, and its volunteers recognized on the Commonwealth of Kentucky Senate Floor in a Senate Motion filed by Senator Elizabeth Tori (March 2006)
Volunteer personally recognized by the President of the United States with Presidential Volunteer Service Award (Jan 2006)
Governor of Kentucky (Volunteer Org 2005)
Association of the United States Army (Special Project Award)
Radcliff Chamber of Commerce (Community Service Award-Stradley)
Republic Bank “We Care” 2005 Award Winner (Small business-Bedrock)

Special Projects:
Operation Brave Boxer (Spring 06)
Collect boxers and undershirts for soldiers at Walter Reed.
I Care Too! (Winter 06 and on-going)
Goal: to sell 165,000 t-shirts and post pictures on website
Benefit: Outreach, Public Awareness and Strengthening of USA Cares by raising money to cover all operational costs
Operation Slugger (Spring 05)
13 tons of sporting equipment to Iraq/Kuwait/Afghanistan
Partners: Louisville Slugger/DHL/ AUSA/Republic Bank/APL Shipping
Fort Knox AUSA Award Streamer (2005)
Operation Lapwrap (Summer 05)
1,100 handmade quilts to wounded Soldiers
Delivered to Walter Reed & Fort Sam Houston
Partner: Operation First Response
Operation Southern Care (Fall 05)
Tractor trailer of clothing sent to Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans
Partners: Hardin Transport/Helen’s Flowers/ Hardin County NAACP

Saturday, July 08, 2006

USA Cares Launches the "I Care Too" Campaign on it's Third Aniversary

Join the I Care Too! Campaign. Purchase an "I Care Too!" T-Shirt or Polo Shirt.

Encourage your company or organization to participate as a corporate member! For more information please call 1.866.820.3635 or visit our website: USA Cares will be happy to arrange bulk shipping and assistance, including (if appropriate) a visit from a USA Cares representative to further explain what USA Cares does for military members and their families.

USA Cares - A hand-up not a hand-out to our military families

Success Story: USA Cares and the Homeownership Preservation Foundation (HPF)

Army, Deployed, married, 3 kids.

Soldier has been deployed for over a year. Prior to his deployment he had lost his job and had filed bankruptcy trying to save his home. House mortgage was sold to another company after he deployed.

Shortly after deployment his spouse lost her job, during that same time the Soldier was experiencing consistent pay issues that are still not fully resolved. Spouse had not heard from the mortgage company and had no idea the mortgage was under another company. She knew she was okay because she was protected under the Soldier and Sailors Protection and was paying bills each month in partials just to keep from losing anything.

Then the bad news came. The new mortgage company sent her a default notice because she had not been abiding by the court assigned payment. Her utilities were on “disconnect” and she still had no job.

USA Cares caught up the utilities and had to wait until the Soldier's pay issues were resolved before another organization we work with, Homeownership Preservation Foundation (HPF), could determine if the mortgage was affordable. Once this was confirmed it took USA Cares’ Resource Coordinator 3 weeks to get the needed information on the mortgage company and with a conference call the Resource Coordinator was able to inform the new mortgage company that the $7500 they were requesting was not accurate. The new mortgage company had added almost $2000 to the arrearages and these fees were not applicable because of the Soldier and Sailors Civil Relief Act protection.

It was then determined that this family was actually only behind $4585. Cost to USA Cares, $698.00 in utility coverage and $4585.00 from HPF dollars. Soldier will return to home in 60 days not to financial woes but rather to a warm welcome.

HPF Funds saved by USA Cares $2915!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

USA Cares welcomes Hugh Dukes as new Executive Director

Today, USA Cares president MG John Tindall (Ret.) and the board of directors announced the great news. Hugh L. Dukes has agreed to be the first Executive Director of USA Cares. This work was previously done by CSM Roger Stradley (Ret.) on a voluteer but fulltime basis. Hugh comes to us from a career in the U.S. Army where he served recently as Senior Staff Chaplin for the U.S. Army Armor Center at Ft. Knox Kentucky. Welcome Hugh and thanks Sergeant Major. Couldn't have done it without you.

Nielsen Media Research donates $10,000 to USA Cares

Nielsen Media Research in Radcliff, Kentucky has stepped up to help military families as their $10,000 donation was presented to members of the USA Cares board including MG John Tindall (Ret.).

Pioneer Services challenges 'Military Lending' market with 100% guarantee

USA Cares partner Pioneer Services continues to help our military. USA Care's Roger Stradley put it this way, "This is an amazing step for an organization that has placed the bar even higher as we all look for solutions against predatory lenders operating around military installations. I am very proud of our association with Pioneer and this is just another reason why I trust them. This should be front page news everywhere."

Here is the press release.

Pioneer Services challenges 'Military Lending' market with 100% guarantee

KANSAS CITY, Mo (June 12, 2006) Pioneer Services, a leading financial services provider to members of the U.S. Armed Forces, is offering service members something unique in today’s business world: a 15-day, no-questions-asked return guarantee on all its loan offerings. And Pioneer Services is challenging other lenders that serve military personnel to provide a similar guarantee this summer.

“If the financial services community really wants to provide service members with the best lending options available, they should stand behind their product with a 100 percent guarantee like Pioneer Services,” said Joe Freeman, chief strategy officer. “Our ‘Military Loan Guarantee’ is just one more feature we provide our military customers to ensure that they have the right loan product for their individual needs.”

In today’s military lending market, Pioneer Services provides a responsible lending alternative to payday loans, pawnshops and other predatory institutions by helping service members obtain traditional consumer installment loans, which are similar to loans offered at local banks or credit unions. Comparable to traditional lending institutions, all loans have fixed rates, monthly payments, credit card comparable APR rates, and all costs are disclosed. Unlike banks and credit unions, however, Pioneer Services also offers their Military Loan Guarantee.

“We encourage our customers to review their loans with a financial advisor, their chain of command, or even another financial institution,” said Freeman. “If they find a better deal within 15 days, or if they decide they don’t need the money, they can cancel their loan at absolutely no cost.”

The 15-day, “100% Military Loan Guarantee” is another way that Pioneer Services Representatives enhance the quality of life and financial independence for military families. Entering their 75th year in the financial services industry, Pioneer Services Representatives provide the responsible alternative for financial services and education that our service members deserve. Through a network of offices and on the Internet, Pioneer Services Representatives offer financial education programs, loans, and insurance products, and support military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.

For more information visit

Friday, May 19, 2006

USA Cares Snapshot

USA Cares Snapshot

As a 501 (c) (3) organization that began in March of 2003, USA Cares has answered the call for assistance from over 2,352 military members or their families across America and provided over $1,318,245 of support, all in the form of grants.

USA Cares is funded through the generous contributions from corporations, organizations and individuals and continues to sustain a 92 percent plus ratio of mission dollars.

USA Cares in Action (as of 5.17.06):
- Assisted 2,352 military members or families in 48 states and 7 other territories
- Two states missing are Wyoming and North Dakota
- 146 cases pending
- Assisted 825 national guard/reserve with $570,292 in support
- Homeownership Preservation Foundation Support – updated at the beginning of each month
- $100,165.58
- 27 homes saved
- 28 cases pending- Average 33.8 new calls a week
-234 outreach contacts nationwide
- 61 media contacts nationwide
- Largest donations received:
- $1M CA Community Foundation (Anon Donor, Dec 05)
- $400,000 Homeownership Preservation Foundation (Nov 05)
- $30,000 Fred Hartley Foundation (Feb 04, Feb 05)
- $25,400 Private Donor
- $25,000 Distillery Industry (Feb 05)
- $25,000 Pioneer Services & Associates (Nov 05)
- $25,000 National Veteran’s Service Fund (Nov 05)
- $15,400 Private Donor
- $15,000 Prilosec (American Freedom Foundation, Nov 05)
- $15,000 Fred L Hartley Family Foundation (Sept 05)
- Major needs provided:
- Housing 30%
- Utilities 24%
- Food 17%

Special Projects:
- Operation Brave Boxer (Spring 06)
- Collect boxers and undershirts for soldiers at Walter Reed.
- I Care Too! (Winter 06 and on-going)
- Goal: to sell 165,000 t-shirts and post pictures on website
- Benefit: Outreach, Public Awareness and Strengthening of USA Cares by raising money to -over all operational costs
- Operation Slugger (Spring 05)
- 13 tons of sporting equipment to Iraq/Kuwait/Afghanistan
- Partners: Louisville Slugger/DHL/ AUSA/Republic Bank/APL Shipping
- Fort Knox AUSA Award Streamer (2005)
- Operation Lapwrap (Summer 05), 1,100 handmade quilts to wounded Soldiers. Delivered to Walter Reed & Fort Sam Houston
- Partner: Operation First Response
- Operation Southern Care (Fall 05)
- Tractor trailer of clothing sent to Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans
- Partners: Hardin Transport/Helen’s Flowers/ Hardin County NAACP

Friday, May 12, 2006

"Operation Brave Boxer" Ships to Walter Reed

First Shipment On the Way!

In Support of Operation First Response’s injured Soldier backpack program, USA Cares, Inc. began “Operation Brave Boxer”.

The needed undergarments are in short supply and a necessity in meeting the basic needs of the men and women in the Medical Hold Hospitals across the United States.

**Many local agencies immediately put up drop sites (Pioneer Services, Helen’s Flowers, Fort Knox Credit Union, Bedrock Café and others).

This will be an ongoing program as long as there is a need we will continue our effort to try and meet that need.

You too can support “Operation Brave Boxer” by sending donated items (Boxers, tee shirts, socks or toiletries) or a tax deductible donation in support of the program.

If your group, school, church or business would like more information contact us immediately.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Meet USA Cares

Peggy Baker
Image of the USA Cares President, John Tindall
Peggy Baker

Peggy is the President and Founder of Operation First Response. Her organization has assisted hundreds of wounded service members coming through military hospitals in the Washington D.C. area as well as other sites across America. Peggy is a proud military mom living in Culpepper, VA.

Success Story: Going the Extra Mile

injured Soldier (receiving only 1/3 of his income pending VA rating after being released from Medical Hold)
5 kids (8,7,4,3,1)

Homeless family had moved all their belongings into a one room hotel with no kitchen facilities. The income they did receive was being eaten up on a day to day match with the lodging, food and laundering needs of the large family. Spouse took a job at a Service Station to help subsidize the food and incidentals. When we were contacted the first instinct was to find local resources that can meet the need quickly (which we did) and build from that.
In many cases it requires more than providing financial assistance. Coordinated efforts between the Family Assistance Representative (who drove three hours a day to help the family find a place to live), the local American Legion Adjutant (Who covered some lodging expenses then got involved in the VA processes to expedite a resolution), referrals and application processes outlined for Unmet Needs, TGLI, and Soldiers Angels reaped additional assistance to be provided once the family is moved.

USA Cares assistance (Thanks to the Committee for the exception to policy and awarding $1,200.00 to the family), American Legion Assistance, Soldiers Angels, and Unmet Needs.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

USA Cares Audio ID

this is an audio post - click to play

Operation Brave Boxers

“Operation Brave Boxers”

Please donate boxers, tee-shirts and socks to be distributed to the Injured Soldiers across the United States at Military Medical Holding Centers.

These efforts are being coordinated by USA Cares, Inc.,
Operation First Response (VA), supporting businesses and individuals like YOU!!!!!!
* Tax deductible monetary donations are also accepted in support of this operation.

For more information please contact: Cecelia Jeffery at or 1-800-773-0387

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Operation Slugger Delivers to Troops Overseas
With partners Louisville Slugger, DHL and Republic Bank, USA Cares helped organize and ship 13.5 tons of sports equipment to deployed service members in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan. The equipment arrived in February 2006.

Please take time to read the following email:
I recently read an article in February's issue of Desert Voice, a small publication read in Southwest Asia, covering "Operation Slugger". It's a great warm feeling to know that there are still home-grown companies that are as patriotic as our soldiers. Soldiers have made contact with many companies in the past asking for assistance with "necessities" such as magazines and cigarettes. I've even seen soldiers recieve comfort items such as bats and balls; but I've never seen a contribution of such magnitude as your donation for the cause. The soldiers in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan will get great pleasure in utilizing these gifts and keeping their minds off the war, at least for the time they are engaged in a different kind of battle - on the softball field. I personally am an avid softball player. I play here on a daily basis. And to hear of Louisville's benevolence makes me want to call home and ask my wife for that 28 oz. ASA Catalyst for Valentine's Day (I was planning to buy it when I got home). Thank you, thank you so much. You can only imagine how much you've made a soldiers day.

Sergeant, USA
HHC, 1st Medical Brigade
APO, AE 09366

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Care Too!

What is the purpose I Care Too?

Get a representative T-shirt for every servicemember in Iraq and Afghanistan (that is 165,000 Americans and T-shirts!) to show our troops just how much we do care and support them.



USA Cares wants to be a well-known name in every community. This program will help us seek out military families who are unaware of USA Cares’ existence and don’t know of our ability to provide assistance. We want to be their first and only call!

Promote Awareness

Help USA Cares become well-known to non-military families too, by spreading the word about I Care Too!. What a perfect way for Americans to show their support for our troops!

Strengthen USA Cares
It is USA Cares' hope that the I Care Too! campaign will raise enough money for our non-profit to strengthen all operational expenses. That means 100% of all donated funds will go straight to military families for years to come.

All You Have To Do:
1. Purchase the I Care Too! T-shirt or Polo shirt.
2. Put the shirt on, go to the nearest city sign or well-known landmark in your local community and take a picture with the sign or landmark in the background.
3. Email the photo to Be sure to identify the landmark, your city and state. We will not publish your email address or name.
4. USA Cares will post your photo on the I Care Too! website along with all other participants.
5. Tell your friends and family about I Care Too! and encourage them to participate. Encourage your company or organization to participate as a corporate member!

Our website:

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Pioneer Services and USA Cares Join Forces to Help Military Families in Need

KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Pioneer Services has recently teamed up with USA Cares, a non-profit organization that helps military families with emergency expenses, to provide referrals to those military families that qualify for their assistance. The relationship began last year with a $20,000 donation from Pioneer Services to USA Cares to assist military families affected by Hurricane Katrina. This donation sparked discussions and ultimately an understanding of how the two organizations could work together.

"By teaming up with USA Cares, we can make an enormous impact in the military community," said Karen Von Der Bruegge, chief marketing officer for Pioneer Services. "If we're not able to help them with one of our products or services, we can refer them to USA Cares so they can get the help they need."

"USA Cares does not have offices, chapters or posts across America, and so when Pioneer Services stepped forward with not only financial support, but organizational support, it clearly sets the stage to move to the next level of effort and opportunity to assist military families from our organization," said Roger Stradley, a founder and currently the Operations Officer of USA Cares.

The mission of USA Cares is to help service members and their families around the globe by helping with emergency expenses. Since its founding in 2003, the organization has assisted more than 2,010 families and resourced more than $1.2 million in grants for emergency needs like clothing, travel, food, auto repair, and other expenses. Service members and their families can make a request for funds through the organization's Web site, . USA Cares is also a member of the Department of Defense "America Supports You" program.

"This is a tremendous opportunity to improve the quality of life for military families," said Von Der Bruegge. "We're proud to be associated with a group like USA Cares, and are looking forward to helping them in their efforts."

Working with USA Cares is another way Pioneer Services Representatives enhance their quality-of-life and financial independence for military families. With more than 70 years in the financial industry, they provide the responsible alternative for financial services and education that our service members deserve. Through a network of offices and on the Internet, Pioneer Services Representatives offer financial education programs, loans, and insurance products, and support military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.

For more information visit .

Friday, March 03, 2006

U.S. Rep. Ron Lewis (KY-02) Introduces Military Pay Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Ron Lewis (KY-02) recently introduced HR 4730, legislation to provide relief for soldiers who find themselves in a 'no pay due' situation as a result of overpayment. Current law requires the phased recovery of overpayments of pay and allowances made to members of the U.S. military, causing some soldiers to receive zero-sum paychecks, with little or no notice, as a result of inadvertent pay system errors.

"I understand that larger, systemic problems exist within the military's personnel and payment systems and that these problems are the root of many such situations," said Lewis. "But we cannot stand by while soldiers endure this hardship, bearing the consequences of errors resulting from circumstances beyond their control. This is unacceptable considering their courageous service, especially in a time of war."

H.R. 4730 would amend current law to allow that no more than 20% of a service member's paycheck can be taken at one time to recover overpayment, and would add an additional 90 day grace period before paychecks for wounded soldiers would be affected.

Lewis first became aware of the 'no pay due' problem as a result of several cases in his district which includes Fort Knox. USA Cares, a non-profit organization that offers support to soldiers and their families, was providing assistance to several families who had experienced 'no pay due,' and brought their situations to the Congressman's attention. "The burden being placed on these families was in many cases overwhelming," said Lewis.

Lewis has engaged numerous government agencies, non profit organizations, military officials and soldiers themselves in an effort to understand the military debt problem. He discovered that zero-sum paychecks caused by no pay due are happening on a widespread scale, particularly where travel, assignment change, or geographical movement is involved. There is also a troubling prevalence of pay problems for wounded soldiers.

U.S. Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), Chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, which has jurisdiction over certain areas of military processing, has taken a particular interest in the 'no pay due' issue and is the first co-sponsor of Lewis' bill.

"My bill does not propose absolving debt," said Lewis. "A permanent solution is necessary, and I will continue to be involved in the broad efforts on these issues. In the meantime we can no longer ignore the damage this unfair practice is causing. This legislation will provide immediate relief for soldiers who do find themselves in a 'no pay due' and draw critical attention to this issue."

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

USA Cares goes over $1 million in support

USA Cares has answered the call for assistance from over 1,856 military members or their families across America and provided over $1 million of support, all in the form of grants.

USA Cares is funded through the generous contributions from corporations, organizations and individuals and continues to sustain a 90 percent plus ratio of mission dollars.

USA Cares and Operation Slugger Hits a Home Run for Troops Overseas

Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher Sherman has a problem.

It’s not the roadside bombs or rooftop snipers that endanger him and his comrades in Iraq on an almost daily basis. It’s his gear … his sports gear or lack thereof.

“We have one ball and one wood bat,” he wrote from the war-torn country. “The ball is torn up because we don’t have gloves to catch the ball, so we play home-run derby with rocks. It’s not very much fun, so if there is any way that you could help us, we would greatly appreciate it.”

Well, because of Operation Slugger, help is literally on the way.

A 40-foot container packed with 26,000 pounds of assorted sporting goods worth approximately $499,000 was recently rail-loaded in Louisville, Ky., arrived in San Pedro, Calif., and then boat loaded for a final Pacific voyage to the Port of Shuwaik, Kuwait, for proportional distribution to U.S. troops.

Through the donated sports equipment program, U.S. troops stationed overseas in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar and the Horn of Africa are receiving 300 sports kits worth approximately $1,700 each.

The number of kits will be divided up based on the U.S. military population of each country: Iraq (144, 359 troops) – 230 kits; Afghanistan (17, 416 troops) – 29 kits; Kuwait (15,631 troops) – 26 kits; Horn of Africa (1,800 troops) – 5 kits; Qatar (1,083 troops) – 10 kits.

Each kit includes baseball and softball gloves, bats, balls and hats, footballs, basketballs, rugby balls and soccer balls. Each kit also includes volleyball and badminton sets, Frisbees, an air pump, Hacky Sack and a duffel bag to hold it all.

Operation Slugger came about after a famed bat-manufacturing company in Kentucky received numerous e-mails from U.S. Soldiers requesting baseball bats and gloves to replace equipment that had worn out from repeated use or for those troops who didn’t have any sporting equipment.

The Operation Slugger team, comprised of nationally known businesses and organizations with USA Cares as the lead team, spearheaded the campaign dedicated to boosting morale among U.S. troops in the Middle East.

Some 100 Veterans of Foreign Wars posts located across the country served as collection points for the donated equipment.

The Operation Slugger program signals to the troops that they haven’t been forgotten back home, said Roger Stradley, chief operating officer for USA Cares, a Kentucky-based nonprofit group that offers support to military families.

“A lot of us ride around with bumper stickers on our cars,” he said. “But this is more than a bumper sticker. This is a display of the emotion and the passion that I believe Americans have for their troops.”

“The Soldiers will be well-pleased with this equipment. It’ll take their minds off being deployed and being so far away from home,” said Sgt. 1st Class Larry Laster, Coalition Forces Land Component Command Surface Branch noncommissioned officer in charge responsible for tracking the Operation Slugger shipment into the Port of Shuwaik. “It’ll also bring troops of all services closer together and show them that Americans do care.”

Navy Senior Chief Raymond Covarrubias, a storekeeper stationed in Balad, Iraq, said the amount of support coming from those back home never ceases to amaze him.

“It’s nice that people go out of their way to provide for the troops,” Covarrubias said. “To get something like this sends a little of home to us. It’s good to see. Make sure to tell them thanks.”

USA Cares Recognized by President Bush

USA Cares board member Bob Manning is recognized by the President on behalf of the work done by the group. USA Cares exists to help military families in need with spouses deployed across the globe.

USA Cares receives $1,000,000 Grant

President John Tindall announced today that the organization had received a $1,000,000 grant through the California Community Foundation. The donation was anonymous.