Monday, May 01, 2006

Success Story: Going the Extra Mile

injured Soldier (receiving only 1/3 of his income pending VA rating after being released from Medical Hold)
5 kids (8,7,4,3,1)

Homeless family had moved all their belongings into a one room hotel with no kitchen facilities. The income they did receive was being eaten up on a day to day match with the lodging, food and laundering needs of the large family. Spouse took a job at a Service Station to help subsidize the food and incidentals. When we were contacted the first instinct was to find local resources that can meet the need quickly (which we did) and build from that.
In many cases it requires more than providing financial assistance. Coordinated efforts between the Family Assistance Representative (who drove three hours a day to help the family find a place to live), the local American Legion Adjutant (Who covered some lodging expenses then got involved in the VA processes to expedite a resolution), referrals and application processes outlined for Unmet Needs, TGLI, and Soldiers Angels reaped additional assistance to be provided once the family is moved.

USA Cares assistance (Thanks to the Committee for the exception to policy and awarding $1,200.00 to the family), American Legion Assistance, Soldiers Angels, and Unmet Needs.